Ostrava Museum


The Museum of Ostrava came into existence in 1924 by join three at that time existing museums in City of Ostrava. The Old Town Hall became the seat of the museum in 1931 and in 1948 the City Museum merged with the Industrial Museum.

Nowadays the collections include about 300,000 items, which are objects of significant historical value. The largest proportion is represented by the collections of social sciences, such as prehistory and archaeology, history and art history, folklore and music history. Natural sciences are represented by entomological, geological, botanical and zoological collections. An individual part of the museum is dedicated to a large library with historical printed material and an archive of photos and postcards of the old City of Ostrava. The most popular exhibits include the Mašek interior astronomical clock and a 200-year-old orchestrion.


There is a 20% discount for holders of the OSTRAVACARD!!! 

Ostravské muzeumOstravské muzeumOstravské muzeumOstravské muzeumOstravské muzeumOstravské muzeum

Ostrava Museum

Masarykovo náměstí 1
Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz

Phone: +420 597 578 450


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